Archive for February, 2020

You may be wondering how these two words go together in any way, shape, or form.  First, let me assure you that this blog is not about advocating physical violence and has nothing to do with the items in your gun cabinet.  This site is about answering the call of Nahum 2:1 in our modern era:

He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily.

Without a doubt, the enemy of our age, Satan, is launching an uprecedented, in-your-face attack upon mankind and the Church of the Living God.  This attack is not one of tanks, machine guns, and surface-to-air artillery, but rather it is one of ideas and philosophies that seek to undermine Biblical Truth and to overthrow the authority of God in the minds of people.  The mind is truly Satan’s battleground of choice in our age, and unlike ever before, strongholds are being raised up by him to hinder the Gospel from reaching the hearts of men.  Consider 2 Corinthians 4:3-4:

3But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

According to these Scriptures, how does Satan prevent people from receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  By blinding their MINDS.  He that controls the mind controls the individual.  A person will not accept in their heart what their mind rejects as false.  Satan knows this, and as the ‘father of lies’, he is very skillful at using deception, lies, and false ideas to lead men away from their Creator and into ultimate destruction.  This has been his agenda since the very beginning. He is the thief that desires to steal, kill, and to destroy that which God loves and will stop at nothing to condemn as many to Hell as he possibly can, by any means that he possibly can.  Fortunately, God has provided us with everything necessary to not only expose Satan’s methods, but to also utterly overcome him.  2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us:

4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

The Word of God is our best and most powerful weapon in this battle.  It is the ‘two-edged’ Sword by which we attack the kingdom of darkness and pull down the strongholds that Satan uses to take and hold his prisoners captive.  Our enemy knows all too well the power of God’s Word and is trying very hard in our day to discredit the Bible as a way of keeping people from accessing its sacred contents and powerful Truth.  As Christians, God and His Word must be our ultimate Authority and the lens through which we view and interpret the world around us.  That is what this blog is about—equipping Christians to rely solely upon the Truth of Scripture in order to expose, dismantle, and overcome the lies of the enemy and to deliver a reasoned defense of the Christian faith to those who oppose the Gospel. It is no longer enough to simply declare what we know to be true, but we must also be able to show WHY it is true. For too long, the mighty spiritual weapons of our Faith have sat neglected and unused.  It’s time to take them up again and to fortify ourselves mightily with the absolute truth of God’s Word, building up the Kingdom of Christ upon the ruins of the kingdom of Satan. After all, if God is for us, who cares who is against us!

A few years back, a small, grey haired woman came into my office to conduct a business transaction.  She was probably in her late sixties or early seventies and was very elegant and proper in her speech and mannerisms, possessing a certain old southern charm that you rarely see anymore.  Our meeting started off pleasantly enough–we made small talk as I worked through assisting her with her transaction on my computer.  As we chatted, she made me aware that she was a nationally-known psychic medium and author who had assisted in solving several high profile police and FBI cases in the past (a small medium?).   I wasn’t really sure how to respond to this, and just decided that it would be best to make a very deliberate and concentrated effort on my part to steer our conversation back to the business at hand and to get things wrapped up as quickly as possible (the sooner the better, as far as I was concerned!).  That was not to be, however, as she continued with her biography by informing me that her ‘gift’ of psychic divination was, in fact, a spiritual gift from God and that the Bible confirmed this.  She then proceeded to tell me how that many Christians had ‘shunned’ her because of her ‘abilities’ and declared that most Christians didn’t really know what prayer was all about anyway or how to ‘do it correctly’.  According to her, true prayer was to be done via a state of intense meditation where one’s mind is totally cleared and the ‘holy spirit’ is allowed to flow through them.  I sat flabbergasted as I listened to her tell me, in a no-nonsense way, that the’holy spirit’ is the spirit which dwells in the rocks, trees, water, birds, etc. (pantheism, anyone?) and that we should endeavor to become one with that spirit.  As you can imagine, I had become very alarmed at what I was hearing by this point.  I leaned forward and spoke gently, yet firmly, across my desk to her and said,

Ma’am, I am a born again Christian and, as a Christian, I hold the Bible to be my ultimate authority.

I then proceeded to explain to her that the things she was telling me were not in the Bible.  “Yes, they are.”  She replied.  “No ma’am, they’re not.”  I answered back.  “Yes, they are.”  She said with more firmness this time.  “Where in the Bible are they?” I asked.  A brief pause from her, as she seemed a little surprised by the question.  She answered, “I don’t know but they are in there……y-you just need to look.”  “Ma’am, I have looked,” I said, “and they are most definitely not there.”  What came next was quite astonishing, yet not completely unexpected.  With a tone of defiance in her voice, she said

well, the Bible has been changed a bunch of times since it was written.

Without batting an eye, the same woman who had just been trying to use the Bible to justify herself, was now trying to undermine its credibility when it no longer suited her purpose!  “How do you know that?” I gently asked.  Her countenance seemed to change for a moment as she processed that simple, but direct, question.  It was obvious that she was not used to having her claims against the reliability of the Bible challenged (and didn’t seem to appreciate my having done so, either).  “My friend is a historian who has researched this extensively, and he told me” she responded.  “And how do you know that the information he gathered during his research is accurate?” I inquired.  She seemed at a total loss as she contemplated an answer and, then, very matter of factly, asked that we just get back to finishing up our initial business.  I was more than happy to oblige her request, as the atmosphere in the room had grown somewhat tense by now.

Once we were done, I handed her a few pieces of paperwork and then walked with her to the door of my office, where we cordially said our goodbyes.  As she was leaving, she reached into her purse and produced one of her business cards advertising her psychic services.  She offered the card to me, which I respectfully declined to take.  Boy, did that do it!  All at once, her whole demeanor changed as a fury welled up inside her and that spirit that was in her reared its ugly head and showed its true nature.  In an angry tone, she began to mutter all sorts of unpleasant things about me under her breath (most of which I couldn’t understand—thankfully) and her once elegant, sophisticated movements became erratic and forceful as she threw her purse upon her shoulder and briskly stomped out of my office and into the parking lot, where her tirade continued even as she got into her car and drove away.

I do not recall ever seeing her again since that day (although she did call in to complain about being ‘preached to’ when she came into the office.  The complaint was dismissed, though, once it was brought to light that she had initiated the discussion and was simply asked to justify her specific claims she made against the Bible).  Looking back, this experience serves as a clear reminder to me that, even now,  Christians must remain sober and vigilant, for our adversary, the devil, is still very much on the prowl and seeking whom he may devour via his many lures and manifold deceptions. Truly, the Enemy of our faith wears many disguises–whether masquerading as an angel of light, or even (as in this case) lurking amongst us in the form of a small medium at large.

UPDATE:  I received word not long ago that the woman in this story has since passed away.  I sincerely pray that she repented and came to know the Lord as her Saviour before she died.

At least that’s what the bumper sticker on the van in front of me said. It was one of literally several dozen, plastered all over the back of the vehicle, declaring the non-existence of God and the intellectual superiority of atheism. I couldn’t help but find the irony (and humor) in all the time, energy, and resources that were no doubt used to create this rolling billboard designed for the sole purpose of telling the world that God does not exist. After all, if there is no God, and therefore no ultimate meaning to the universe, why bother to go through all the trouble of trying to convince anyone of anything? Not to mention, for the sake of consistency, shouldn’t all ‘so called’ non-existent entities be treated with the same contempt and given their proper sticker space on the back of one’s vehicle?

This was not the case, however, as I noticed that I didn’t see even one sticker declaring the non-existence of Santa, the Easter Bunny, Harry Potter, Bigfoot, or even the Tooth Fairy……only God. The reason for this can be summed up in one word: Authority. According to Romans Chapter 1, everyone knows that God exists, but some choose to suppress that truth in unrighteousness. That is, they work very hard at pretending that God does not exist as a means of (unsuccessfully) avoiding accountability to Him. In short, some people would just rather be their own god than submit to the one true God of Scripture. This is perfectly consistent with what the Bible tells us about the depraved nature of mankind and our inherent desire to rebel against our Creator. It has been rightly stated that:

The atheist can’t find God for the same reason a criminal can’t find a policeman.

They simply don’t WANT to, as they have made themselves the enemies of God and have transgressed against His righteous Authority, through their sin and rebellion. The sole remedy for rebellion against God is complete surrender to Him, through obeying the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Of course, this can only be brought about via the regenerating work of God’s Holy Spirit upon the heart of the unbeliever. As such, the type of self-deception that the professing atheist engages in is not only very foolish and dangerous, it also ultimately means that, by definition, atheism is… guessed it…..pretend. Now that’s a bumper sticker I’d like to see!

You don’t have to look very hard in the New Testament to find the word ‘faith’—it’s literally everywhere.  In fact, we are assured in Hebrews 11:6 that, without it, it is impossible to please God, which means that it is obviously very important.  However, it has been my experience that Christians often fail to understand the true nature of the faith that God requires of us.  Consider the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1:  A young boy wakes up on a cold winter morning in a small South Dakota town.  Excitedly, he pulls back the curtains of his bedroom window to reveal a winter wonderland outside, with the first snowfall of the year having blanketed everything in sight.  He throws on his boots, trousers, coat, and scarf and then grabs his bobsled as he makes his way to the freshly frozen lake out behind his house.  He approaches the lake at a full sprint and, without a second thought, throws his sled down onto the ice and jumps, outstretched, on top of it with a squeal of delight.

Scenario 2:  The same young boy awakes on the same snowy morning.  He dons his winter wear, and grabs his sled.  As he approaches the freshly frozen lake behind his house, he notices the tire tracks from his dad’s 2.5 ton pickup truck stretching from the driveway of their home all the way out across the frozen lake to the other side, where his father is gathering a load of fresh firewood for their home.  With confidence, he gleefully runs out onto the ice and begins his fun-filled day of bobsledding.

Now, in both scenarios, the boy had faith in the ice on the lake and its ability to hold him and his sled.  The difference is, the faith exercised in the first scenario was an unjustified or blind faith, as there was no rational reason for the boy to trust that the ice could hold him.  Sure, he believed that it would, but there was no real justification for his belief. However, in the second scenario, the boy was exercising justifiable faith.  That is, he had a very good reason for believing that the ice would hold him and for subsequently acting upon that belief by stepping out onto it.  The tracks, indicating that his father’s much larger and heavier vehicle had successfully been supported by the ice, gave him a logical justification for his assumption that it would also hold him.  That is the same type of faith that God calls us to exercise with regards to trusting Him and His Word.  Consider Romans 1:18-20:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

According to these verses, God has clearly revealed Himself to all mankind such that we are without excuse for denying Him. That is, the ‘tracks’ He has left for us via both His natural and special revelation, not only justify our faith in Him, they demand it.  As such, Christianity is not a blind leap into the dark unknown, but rather, it is a confident step onto a sure foundation of Truth that has been established and revealed by God in such a way that we can know with certainty who He is and that His Word is true.  This is why the Apostle Paul could confidently declare in 2 Timothy 2:12—

 ……nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

The foundation of God is indeed a sure one. It is not shameful to trust in Him—it is shameful not to. May God help us to trust Him more and to build up ourselves on our most holy faith!

christian ammunition

It is truly astounding to know that the God of heaven and earth has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind such that we can know for certain who He is.  One of the ways that He has done this is through the special revelation of His inspired Word–the Bible.  Without a doubt, the Bible is unlike any other book ever written and it is important for us to not only understand THAT it is different, but also WHY it is different.  First of all, the Bible is unique among other so-called ‘holy books’, as it alone meets the criteria of a true objective Revelation in that it can be freely examined by all, corresponds with reality, makes sense of the necessary preconditions of human intelligibility (such as knowledge, truth, logic, morality, and the uniformity of nature), and is internally consistent (i.e. doesn’t contradict itself).  The very fact that God used fallible people to…

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This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

These words thundered from the very mouth of God in Matthew 17:5 when Peter, James, and John beheld the illuminating brilliance of Jesus Christ in His glory, as He was transfigured before them high upon the Mount of Transfiguration. Imagine how they must have felt as they beheld the Lord of glory communing with Moses and Elijah while they watched, engulfed in radiant white light. Awestruck and unable to keep silence any longer, Peter exclaims in blissful delight how good it s for them to be there and then…..a big mistake. He commits the critical error of equating Moses and Elijah with Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, when he suggests that they build three tabernacles–one to honor each of them—on that very spot. Immediately, a cloud engulfed them all, God’s voice was heard confirming the preeminence of His Son, and then, when the smoke cleared, there remained Jesus only standing with them.

Oftentimes, it can be frustrating for us when we see Christianity casually and irreverently lumped into the same category as the false, man-made ‘religions’ of our day. Those who do so also commit a grave error, comparable to the one made by Peter all those years ago. Personally, I dislike the word ‘religion’ (at least in the modern sense) as a descriptor for the Christian Faith, as nowadays that word carries connotations that tend to conjure up images in the mind of all sorts of ritualistic, superstitious rites and traditions (e.g. bowing toward a particular city in prayer at various mandated times of day, lying on a bed of nails or performing handstands for hours with one’s head buried in the sand, reciting ‘hail mary’s’, dousing oneself with and drinking cow urine in the streets of India, vain repetition of ‘formal’ prayers, ritualistic and robotic reciting of verses from a ‘holy book’, offering of prayers to dead saints, idolization of ‘holy’ relics, etc.) that go hand in hand with the worship of man-made gods. Christianity, by contrast, is not based upon ‘religious’ form or mysterious rites of passage but, rather, it is a genuine relationship with Almighty God through Jesus Christ. We are reconciled to God, not based upon our own works, but by placing our faith and trust in the finished work of His only begotten Son. The Apostle Paul confirms this in the very familiar passages of Ephesians 2:8-9 when he declares:

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Herein lies one of the primary distinguishing factors which separates the Christian Faith from man-made ‘religions’. While it is useful to know some of the details and beliefs of false religions when witnessing to those who hold to them, we need not feel overly compelled to burden ourselves with learning the finer points of papal infallibility, trans substantiation, the five pillars of Islam, proxy baptism for the dead, etc. in order to engage a Catholic, Muslim, or Mormon in a discussion. Instead, I have found it much easier to demonstrate the exclusive Truth of Christianity vs. other religions via a very simple (yet powerful) illustration:

Visualize two columns in your mind. In one column, list every world religion you can think of (e.g. Hinduism, Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, The Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, etc.). In the other column goes Christianity, all by itself.

Upon closer inspection, you will find that the man-made religions in the first column all have something in common; at their core, they ALL advocate some form of ‘works righteousness’–the ability of man to somehow earn God’s favor or forgiveness through doing ‘good’ deeds or performing some other outward work. Without exception, this is the mark of any false religion, as mankind’s prideful desire and need to merit their own salvation is the fly in the ointment which corrupts, and, subsequently, exposes corrupt human creeds vs. the genuine Truth of God. Religions of men attempt to (and do) woo masses by appealing to man’s unregenerate and self-righteous human nature with a flattering message which proclaims, ‘you can earn your way to heaven through your own goodness’, while Christianity tells us something radically different.

The Bible teaches that there is NONE righteous or good in themselves (Rom. 3:10). In fact, we are told that our own self-righteous deeds are as filthy rags before the absolute, perfect holiness of Almighty God (Isaiah 64:6). Christianity unapologetically declares to a sinful and rebellious world, ‘there is nothing you can do to save yourself, but God has mercifully paid the penalty for your sins in the blood of His precious Son’. Upon Divine authority, it demands that we cease our vain and contemptible attempts at self-righteousness at once and surrender to the Saviour, in order to be reconciled to God and to be justified freely by Him on his terms, not ours.

While the religions of the world are man’s prideful and futile attempt to attain unto righteousness on his own, Christianity is God’s demonstration of Divine love expressed through the act of Him humbly becoming a man and obtaining for us what we could never hope to obtain for ourselves. He lived the life we could not live and then died the death that we should have died. As such, he receives ALL the glory for our salvation, as He is, therefore, both the Author and Finisher of our Faith. The difference between these two competing philosophies is as drastic as night and day and the consequences of which one we choose to follow are eternal. As it was that fateful day with Peter, James, and John, so it is today—when the smoke of worldly deception clears, the Christ of Christianity stands alone as THE way, THE truth, THE life, and mankind’s only hope of salvation and righteousness before Almighty God. Amen.